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Salvatore Lab
est. 2006
Focused on targeting brain proteins that can improve motor function in
translation-focused studies of rodent aging and Parkinson's disease models
Fort Worth, Texas USA
Tyrosine hydroxylase positive soma and dendrites in substantia nigra

"What Keeps You Going???" August 11, 2022, University of Hard Knocks

Does mTBI increase vulnerability to Parkinson's?
A recent article (Aug 22, 2022) cites Dr. Vicki Nejtek's work with Veterans who experienced mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI)
Punching Out Parkinson's, 2018, Fort Worth
Repurposing FDA-Approved drugs for Parkinson's disease treatment
When we establish a biomarker for predicting or establishing the presence of Parkinson's disease, could an FDA-approved antibiotic be repurposed for delaying the onset of motor impairment?
Here's a news link to a study we ran, using such a drug in an established rat model of Parkinson's, that was published in Mol Neurobiology, 2014

My student Ella Kasanga and I taking a moment for a photo-op with the Keynote Speaker, Mr. Brian Grant, who played with a number of teams in the NBA. Punching Out Parkinsons event, Feb 10, 2018
Punching Out Parkinson's, 2017 Fort Worth

Graduation, 2014
Dr. Chotibut, PhD; Dr. Scott Pruett, MD, PhD
Ceremony at Centenary College, Shreveport, LA
Maryum "May May" Ali and I shared a little time together before her presentation about her father, the great Muhammad Ali.
Link to our presentation at Pennington Biomedical Research Center. July 27 2013

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